iTnews understands that Orica’s previous intranet – known as ‘The Globe’ – had several issues, notably the level of customisation meant it had become unsupported, and lack of access control meant parts of the site had been overtaken by users.
“It had changed so much that it was stuck at a particular point in time,” said Anthony Milner, a project director at Elcom.
“The only real benefit was it had become a glorified news bulletin system. Everyone jumped in and posted bulletins because there was no access control. There was also had no document management and very poor search.”
The firm is said to have deployed IntranetManager.NET using consultancy Step Two’s roadmap intranet methodology.
“We fully endorse this process,” said Milner.
“It’s a great resource and lays out all the steps one should go through when considering and deploying an intranet.”
One of the advantages for Orica is said to be the introduction of access control mechanisms. These do not serve to restrict access to information but rather to prioritise and surface data notices and information relevant to the user’s job role first.
Dynamic widgets, more powerful search, and web 2.0 functionality such as blog and wiki templates are some of the other features of the new product.