NSW gov spending $500,000 on remote comms trials


Including a secure data sharing platform, remote wi-fi.

The NSW government has funded grants totalling $500,000 to pilot two solutions for improving regional and remote connectivity and emergency services’ communications. 

NSW gov spending $500,000 on remote comms trials

A wi-fi network rapidly deployable across large remote areas, and a platform for sharing data between government agencies, will be trialled over six months, NSW minister for customer service and digital government Victor Dominello said in a statement. 

The Connectivity Innovation Network, which includes the NSW Telco Authority, UTS, the University of Sydney and industry partners, would host the projects, Dominello said.

University of Sydney, UTS, NBN Co and satellite mobile communications provider Pivotel will develop the wi-fi deployment solution for use across regional NSW and remote communities.

“This funding enables us to develop a solution for the rapid deployment of a wi-fi network that delivers seamless connectivity for remote public broadband in practical outdoor scenarios,” Dominello said.

“We are focused on using smarter technology to create ubiquitous connectivity that can deliver real benefits to businesses and the community.”

The UTS and Australian Data Exchange will develop the data-sharing platform for government agencies and emergency services. 

The platform will provide emergency organisations with historical and real-time data such as incident videos, to assist with decision-making and the allocation of resources.

“Based on advanced technologies such as blockchain, this project aims to create a common platform for trusted data sharing between different organisations while maintaining security and privacy", Dominello said.

The announcement follows the NSW Telco Authority launching its connectivity strategy last month.

The connectivity strategy also aims to bring together different communications initiatives on a whole-of-government basis.

The NSW Telco Authority’s $60 million, five-year contract with Motorola Solutions to upgrade to the state’s public safety network also plays into the strategy.

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